San Damiano Center for Sustainability:
Framing in Progress, Part VII
by Eric Fitts, Director
Framing continued, with Eric, Kevin, Jake, Katherine, Matthias, special guest Ryan Cornelissen, and Gemma, working during Adult Week.
Rafter install continued, with the first 6 rake/overlook rafter sections going up. Rafter install was completed on the livestock shed. The livestock shed roof was then sheathed and dried in with StormGuard roofing underlayment. The lowest section of the east main roof was also sheathed and dried in with StormGuard and titanium paper roof underlayment. We also secured a tarp over the educational area, to make life easier.
Next week is Family Week (so the site has been secured) and we are planning on continuing work on rafters, sheathing, and roofing underlayment.

“Rebuild My Church” Capital Campaign