Become a Caretaker

Become a Caretaker

Each member of our Caretaker community has felt called to life and service at Bethlehem Farm. Some join the Bethlehem Farm caretaker community for one year while others have made an indefinite commitment. All of us have a unique story to tell when asked, “How did you end up at a hilltop farm in the mountains of West Virginia?,” yet each of those stories share common themes: a desire to be a part of an intentional community, to seek God every day, to strive for sustainability, and to serve, especially in low-income home repair. These are just a few of the blessings and challenges of life at Bethlehem Farm.

Do you feel called to a life of prayer, simplicity, community, and service? We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us in our journey by applying to be a Caretaker at Bethlehem Farm.

Bethlehem Farm strongly recommends COVID-19 vaccination due to the vulnerability of many of our home repair clients and to support public health. Bethlehem Farm does not require COVID-19 vaccination for Caretakers. All Caretaker applicants must take two COVID-19 tests in the week prior to arrival at the Farm, with one of those tests being taken 24 hours prior to arrival. Unvaccinated Caretakers are required to test prior to group weeks. If public health circumstances change and vaccination/masking/distancing would help us keep our community significantly safer from hospitalization and death, then Bethlehem Farm may tighten these requirements at a future date.

Caretaker Application & Discernment Process

  1. Read through the documents “About Us” on the BF Community main page, check out one or more of our videos, and skim through some recent newsletters to familiarize yourself with our community.
  2. Read the Resources for Caretaker Applicants to determine your interest in the position.
  3. Contact the Bethlehem Farm Hiring Coordinator at (304) 445-7143 or to ask any questions and to introduce yourself.
  4. Fill out and send in the written application: Caretaker Application.  
  5. Distribute reference forms (download here or find on the last pages of the application) to your three (3) references. Your application is not considered complete until we have received completed forms from your three (3) references. 
  6. We schedule a phone conversation with three people from our community during which we ask you questions to try to get to know you better, and you have another opportunity to ask us questions.
  7. If it appears that you and the community would be a good fit for each other, then we schedule an on-site visit for a week at Bethlehem Farm. Prepare by reviewing the “About Us” resources on the BF Community main page and exploring some of the “About our Inspirations” resources.
  8. The caretakers make a decision and you make a decision about whether this is a good fit for you and Bethlehem Farm.
  9. Those applicants who accept an invitation to join us can find the hiring paperwork and prep materials by clicking here.


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