San Damiano Center for Sustainability:
Framing in Progress, Part VI
by Eric Fitts, Director
Framing continued with Summer Servants (with and without Eric) plugging along on a couple ordinary weeks between groups.
We installed the remaining roof columns and roof headers, with the highest headers forming the ridgepole, 14.5 feet above the loft floor, installed high up on scaffolding. Roof headers were brought flush with the outside walls and all was checked for square and straight edges along string lines. Hardware was installed to attach all rafters to the headers and floors. The header across the livestock shed columns was completed. Rafters were begun on the west over the educational area, on the east over the livestock shed, and overlook rafters were constructed on the east end of the building proper. More rafters to come and soon roof sheathing and the beginning of drying the structure in!

“Rebuild My Church” Capital Campaign