San Damiano Center for Sustainability:
Framing in Progress, Part VIII
by Eric Fitts, Director
Framing continued, with Eric, Kevin, Jake, Katherine, Bobby, Gemma, and participants Sebastian, Kathryn, Dan, Jacob, Craig, Mark, Anthony, and Hudson working during Family Week. We bade farewell to Kevin, our ETHOS intern, after 10 weeks of spectacular service–you have left your imprint on SDC, Kevo.
Rafter and rake installation was completed. The entire roof was also sheathed and dried in with StormGuard and titanium paper roof underlayment. This accomplishment was not certain at any point in the week, but required extra effort by all involved, postponed and skipped meals, giving up a river swim or two, and excellent teamwork. Thunder and rain threatened while the last few rolls of underlayment were nailed down, just to add to the suspense.
Next week I am on vacation and Jeff Bohrer is coming to install the solar hot water with us, so work will slow down for a bit. Next steps are completing the soffit, completing the gable wall sheathing, installing underlayment on the sheathing, and installing the metal roofing and metal siding. I have spoken to Lee Forbes and he is coming on Monday to measure for the standing seam metal roof materials.

“Rebuild My Church” Capital Campaign