Excavator Installs Temporary Access Road
The best access to the construction site for the Caretaker Residence is to turn right off our driveway early and cut across our neighbor Bill Mann’s pasture. We were fortunate that Bill gave us permission to access the site across his pasture, since it will speed the progress up (and lower labor costs) considerably. Otherwise, all materials and workers would have had to climb up the concrete retaining wall from the parking lot or circumnavigate the entire Farm house, crushing several drain and septic lines along the way. The tractor trailers with the SuperiorWall and the SIPs panels would have been extremely difficult to maneuver under these circumstances. The topsoil was removed prior to laying down the gravel, so, after the project is complete, the gravel will be taken up and laid on our driveway or other access roads around the Farm and the topsoil will be spread back out and re-seeded to pasture.