San Damiano Center for Sustainability:
Framing in Progress, Part III
by Eric Fitts, Director
A shortened ordinary week meant only three days on site, but we had the loft floor decking complete by Tuesday at lunch, north wall blocking finished by the end of the day, first floor north wall sheathing complete on Wednesday, and first floor south and west wall sheathing complete on Thursday, so we made the most of the little time we had and were rewarded with progress that was visually apparent.
This week’s crew included Kevin Truong, Jake Harper, Grace Pallissard, Claire Sofronas, and newest Caretaker Gemma Stanton, with an afternoon cameo from Lindsey Meyer on her last week here.
In the next couple weeks, we’ll have groups from Nashville, Chicago, Towson, Jersey City, and Indiana who will be helping sheath the east wall, frame out the loft stairs, frame the north and south gable walls, and begin on posts for the livestock shed as well as rafter posts and headers, followed by roof rafters.

“Rebuild My Church” Capital Campaign