June 30-July 6, 2019, High School Week: St. Mary of the Woods (Chicago), Fr. Ryan HS (Nashville), & John Paul II HS (Hendersonville, TN)
Thanks to the groups from St. Mary of the Woods (Chicago), Fr. Ryan HS (Nashville), and John Paul II HS (Hendersonville, TN) for a great week.
Making a difference serving with Melissa, Teshla, the Clark family, Farmer Rhonda, Home Crew, and Farm Crew (constructing San Damiano and planting and harvesting the garden).
Thanks to these students and their group leaders Amanda, Parvin, Erin, Brent, Neelie, Bryan, and Megan for their servant hearts.
Thanks also to our Summer Servants for the week: Marty Nocchi, Kevin Truong, Alexandra Sinner, Claire Sofronas, Jake Harper, Frances Rafferty, Molly Sutter, Mea St. Amour, Patrick McGinnis, Jack Lampton, and Anna Beeman. And thanks to special guest Nick Cochran, a Diocesan seminarian working with Fr. Arthur Bufogle this summer who was able to spend the week with us.