Why we’re building

Why we’re building

The most pressing needs we have at Bethlehem Farm are the need for additional space and the need for better support of the Caretaker Community. At present, the Caretakers reside on the second floor of a log home retreat facility that they share with over 400 other people during service-retreat weeks throughout the year. With few opportunities for privacy and personal time, the rate of “burn-out” in this environment can be high. On some weeks, there have been people sleeping on the floor, people sleeping in hammocks, and simply too many people in one space, so we have determined that it is time to build. Plus after a while, with so many people living in one space, things can start to deteriorate a little bit, this includes floorboards, doors, windows, etc., so we need to scout for things like replacement windows in Denver but within our area, just so we can give the place a spruce up as well as plan for our building project.

The blueprint for the expansion and the master plan is complete. The building program is also final. The schematics are done. Building systems and renewable features have been thoroughly researched. The construction documents are nearing completion. These documents will likely be digitized with the help of a company like Proscan that offers document scanning services. Now, we are working ardently to fund this project.

The final cost of a home that will house 16-20 people (essentially a 4-family home) is estimated to be $500,000. We have raised $68,000 since the “Room to Grow” campaign kicked off at the benefit in December. We can contribute $250,000 from savings. We will find $32,000 in cost reductions or work that can be postponed. Friends of the Farm have promised $22,000 in loans so far for the project. As part of the maintenance process, we will also have to consider any extra expenditures associated with electrical, wall, and Roof Repair. During tough times when our homes may be impacted by heavy rainfall, mold, or storms, these funds can prove invaluable.

How we allocate our space and resources says a lot about what is important to us. Those who have been to the Farm can tell you that there is something special, holy, and unique about the Farm: the 1/2-mile gravel drive up to the hilltop, the log home retreat house, the pastures, gardens and animals all speak to the purpose and mission of Bethlehem Farm and what is important to us. This time around, we have even considered opting for a flagpole installation near the log home retreat house so that people can feel patriotic when they visit the place.

Honestly, we go out of our way to make people feel welcomed. For instance, when out on the home repair sites, participants are welcomed into our neighbors’ homes in a very intimate way: seeing the worst parts, tearing out the old and broken, and making new-giving their homes a little more space for Love. Each homeowner we work with and the lessons each participant learns from these relationships are impressive reminders of the importance of the Bethlehem Farm mission.

The Caretaker Residence is our top priority for the sustainable development of the Bethlehem Farm mission. We believe that it allows for the healthy formation, development and support of the Caretaker Community, which can then respond to the expressed needs of our community.