San Damiano Center for Sustainability:
Framing in Progress, Part V
by Eric Fitts, Director
Framing continued with help provided by Summer Servants and volunteers from St. Peter’s Prep (Jersey City), Loyola Blakefield (MD), and Geurin HS (Noblesville, IN).
We completed framing the south gable wall with an awesome effort by Farm Crew to raise the center section, which somehow YouTube failed to get on film 😉 We also completed the first course of sheathing on both gable walls. After a heroic run to Hurricane by Will and Justin (on a reunion tour, as Justin was visiting this week) to pick up the last bundle of materials, we also were able to begin setting roof columns and roof headers, as we prep for rafters. The livestock shed began to take shape as we set the ledger boards to hang the shed roof rafters on and measured, cut, and set the columns.

“Rebuild My Church” Capital Campaign