Property Purchase:
Once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity
by Eric Fitts, Director
Great news! We have signed a sales agreement with the Diocese to purchase the 48-acre Bethlehem Farm property that we have been leasing! The Diocese accepted our offer of $36,000 and it is time for us to formally invite you to contribute to this essential investment. Sponsor a piece of the property by contributing online now.
It is hard to imagine a more important effort to insure the future of Bethlehem Farm. Our commitment to our Catholic identity and relationship with the Diocese is as strong as ever. When our bishop resigned last year, the Diocese gave us the opportunity to make an offer on the property. With each big decision over the years, we had to trust that our carefully-laid plans would not be shattered by some unforeseen development. What if a new bishop decided he wanted the property for some other purpose? What if the property needed to be liquidated in a sex abuse lawsuit? There were many unknowns and we had to trust the assurances we were given. What a blessing and a comfort to know that the security of the Bethlehem Farm property and future projects will rest in the trusted hands of the Board of Directors and Caretaker Community with the purchase of our property.

With donations or pledges at the following levels:
6 at $1,000
5 at $750
10 at $500
15 at $250
25 at $100
50 at $50
100 at $25
While the response to the Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign has been solid ($250,000 raised toward the $450,000 campaign goal in the first six months), our donations have slowed in the past few months and we may need to delay the execution of the maintenance garage/tool barn/wood shop/picnic shelter project until more support comes in. A solid response to this property purchase plea will help ensure that the remainder of the Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign can stay on schedule. Please prayerfully consider where your giving can fit into the funding plan above.
There are several ways that you can partner with us to make the property purchase a reality:
1. Donate now online at
2. Begin a monthly donation through your online bill-pay or via the donate link above
3. Make a multi-year pledge via mail, phone or email ([email protected])
4. Ask your parish or community group to sponsor an acre or more of Bethlehem Farm (gather a group of people that can raise $750). You can set up a social fundraising page on our website following the instructions here (except choose “Rebuild My Church Capital Campaign” instead of “Partners in Mission” under campaign name).
Aside from security, what else will outright ownership of the property mean to us?
- The decisions of the Board regarding the property will be the last word and not subject to the external review required by our lease agreement.
- We will have more freedom to advocate for and express our values (our lease required permission for posting signs on the property, for example).
- We will have equity that we can borrow against in the event of neighboring properties coming up for sale that are integral to our programming and retreat atmosphere.
- It will be easier to attract funding for capital improvements, since they will not be at risk of loss with a change in landlord.

There is something special, holy, and unique about the Farm: the 1/2-mile gravel drive up to the hilltop, the log retreat house, the pastures, gardens, and animals all speak to the purpose and mission of Bethlehem Farm. Whether deepening faith through loving relationships, learning from a low-income homeowner through home repair, or experiencing God’s creation here on the Farm property, the lessons each participant learns here are impressive reminders of the importance of the Bethlehem Farm mission.Our goal is to secure the future of Bethlehem Farm by purchasing the 48-acre property that we have called “home” for the past 14+ years. This is a great deal: the land alone could easily sell for $100,000, not to mention the buildings—please help us seal the deal on a critical piece of Bethlehem Farm’s future. We invite you to help us “Rebuild My Church” through this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Peace and all Good,
Eric R. Fitts, Director
Jake Teitgen, Chair of the Board
Bethlehem Farm
PO Box 415
Talcott, WV 24981
Transforming lives through serving with the local community and teaching sustainable practices
Phone: 304.445.7143
“Rebuild My Church” Capital Campaign