
Community Loan Program Want to partner with Bethlehem Farm in a special way?  We are looking for generous benefactors to offer us a loan to help us make our caretaker residence capital campaign fundraising goal.  Interested?  Please download the information sheets below. -----These materials are outdated now, but information about Bethlehem Farm's current capital campaign … Continue reading Loans

Group Challenge

Group Challenge Do you run a ministry, youth group, or college group and want to partner with us in our caretaker residence capital campaign?  It's too late to get on board for this already-finished building, but check out our most recent capital campaign here.

Spread the word

Spread the word If you're interested in getting the word out there about our caretaker residence capital campaign please feel free to openly distribute the materials below to your parish, school, or youth group! -----These materials are outdated now, but information about Bethlehem Farm's current capital campaign can be found here. \n\nJune 2012 Caretaker Residence … Continue reading Spread the word

Why we’re building

Why we're building The most pressing needs we have at Bethlehem Farm are the need for additional space and the need for better support of the Caretaker Community. At present, the Caretakers reside on the second floor of a log home retreat facility that they share with over 400 other people during service-retreat weeks throughout … Continue reading Why we’re building

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the blog! Welcome to the Caretaker Residence capital campaign blog.  Check this section out for all the latest news on our campaign, including updates to our fundraising efforts, shout outs to our partners, and construction progress!