Have Fun. Work Hard. Meet God in One Another.
This is Bethlehem Farm.
Guide to Service-Retreat Week Registration

Find a printable PDF of this webpage here:
Guide to Bethlehem Farm Service-Retreat Week Registration
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator:
304-445-7143 | [email protected]
As campus ministers, youth group leaders and parents, we get to make a big difference in the lives of youth and young adults.
One of our most life-giving leadership roles is offering opportunities to develop a relationship with God.
But it’s not easy. We’re competing with social media and a culture of disconnection.
What if we could come together and intentionally connect – even for a few days? What if we could get present to God’s work in our world?
The Gospel would come alive in our hearts!
Experience the love of our Creator in a whole new way. Join us at Bethlehem Farm for a service retreat.
Bethlehem Farm is a Catholic community in Appalachia that transforms lives through service in the local community and the teaching of sustainable practices. We invite volunteers to join us in living the Gospel cornerstones of service, prayer, simplicity and community.
During a week at the Farm, you and your group will…
…serve alongside peers with our neighbors through home repair.
…have fun & build relationships with people you just met.
…dig deeper into your spirituality and the meaning of life.
…explore your role in caring for creation while befriending donkeys, cats, and chickens.
…wake up early, work hard, and go to bed with that “good-tired” feeling every night.
Volunteers and Bethlehem Farm Caretakers pray, play, and serve. Together.
Most importantly, we encounter God in one another. And we figure out what it means to truly live our faith – whatever our faith looks like.
Explore Volunteer Opportunities at Bethlehem Farm!
Table of Contents
Our Catholic Tradition
An Immersive Appalachian Experience
Retreat Opportunities
What to Expect During Your Week
What People Love Most About Bethlehem Farm
Organizing the Logistics of Your Trip
How to Register
Calculating Your Total Cost
What to Bring
Group Leader Checklist (including required forms)
Policies for Participation
Group Sizes & Age Requirements
Spirit of Inclusion & Welcome
Tools for Recruitment
Sample Parent Letter
Fundraising Ideas
Videos to Share
Pre-Trip Spiritual Preparation
Post-Trip Spiritual De-Briefing
Faith Comes Alive
We are grounded in the Catholic tradition and we welcome expressions of all faith backgrounds.
Caretakers lead volunteers in service and a retreat experience. During a week at the Farm, volunteers:
- connect with the surrounding community through service,
- pray together,
- learn from the people of Appalachia,
- and experience ways of practicing and living a sustainable lifestyle.
While Bethlehem Farm serves with our low-income sisters and brothers primarily by providing home repair, our work involves much more than physical labor. We go beyond hammering nails and painting walls.
We dig deep into the basic need for people to feel loved and appreciated. We emphasize working with people rather than for them, and we strive to always learn from one another.
The Gospel made present in words and action.
Our faith calls us to action in a wide variety of ways. And it often takes the form of mutual giving. Here, you’ll experience a unique way of sharing the Gospel message by taking a step away from “life as usual.”
We take a technology vacation, so personal devices don’t distract us from the beauty of creation and the people around us.
We dress modestly and give up makeup and hair gel for the week to remind ourselves that we are made in the image and likeness of God. We’re beautiful the way we are.
We conserve water by limiting ourselves to two showers for the week. We turn the water off while brushing our teeth.
We conserve electricity by turning off the lights when we leave a room.
We eat as locally and organically as practical. We prepare food from scratch.
We recycle anything we can and compost our food scraps, so that nothing God has given us is wasted.
Each of these choices is a reflection of our commitment to the Gospel cornerstones: Prayer, Community, Simplicity, Service.
We lead a life of prayer… to grow closer to God and to one another. |
We build community… by working, praying, laughing, and loving. |
We live simply… to appreciate gifts that God has given us. |
We serve… with the local people, each other, and are served by others. |
Bethlehem Farm’s mission does not involve imposing values and standards of living on those we serve or work alongside. Instead, we offer new perspectives, build relationships and find common ground.
A service retreat at Bethlehem Farm is a time to learn and grow. To be challenged by new ideas. To open yourself up to new ways of living. And to share your own experiences of the Gospel cornerstones.
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An Immersive Appalachian Experience
Geographically, the Appalachian region includes mountainous arts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, and all of West Virginia.
We are surrounded by abundant natural resources, and our community is rich in spirit, family, pride, and faith.
At the same time, our neighbors in this region have long experienced economic disparities relative to the rest of the U.S.
Specifically in Summers County, West Virginia, the poverty rate is 22.6% while the national poverty rate is 12.6%.
Bethlehem Farm has been developing deep roots in our community since 2005. Caretakers live in intentional Christian community, dedicating our lives to serving with our neighbors.
Over the course of 18 weeks each year, over 400 volunteers join Caretakers for an experience of transformation. They build relationships and make a meaningful difference with homeowners and other members of our community.
After a week of service, volunteers often express that their experience was a pivotal moment in their life.That they are taking home more than they have given.
Retreat Opportunities
Check out our Group Week Calendar here to see specific offerings.
High School Service Weeks
High Schools, youth groups, and individuals/groups are welcome!
When? April, June, July
Who is it for? Any teen 16-18 (or entering their Junior year) can attend a High School Week. They must be accompanied by a parent or adult chaperone. Groups must have at least 1 chaperone for every 7 youth.
College Service Weeks
College-sponsored groups and adult individuals/groups are welcome!
When? January, March, May, October
Who is it for? Anyone 18 or older.
Adult Week
Mingle with adults from all over the country!
When? Late July/Early August
Who is it for? Anyone 18 or older.
Family Week
Make a difference on your family vacation! This service retreat experience is especially designed to accommodate your family’s unique needs.
When? Late July
Who is it for? All ages! Families of any size and composition.
Masters Week
This week is built for those interested in a slower pace and reflective atmosphere, while still serving the community in a meaningful way. (It’s not exclusively for master carpenters!)
When? In the Fall. Typically during September.
Who is it for? Anyone age 23 and up
How does Masters Week compare to other service weeks? Here’s how Sr. Glenna Czachor, OSF described her experience:
“I’ve had the blessing to experience both “traditional” weeks as well as a Masters’ Week at Bethlehem Farm. I felt that Masters’ Week offered me an opportunity to experience all the wonderful aspects of a week at the Farm at a little slower pace.
Other Retreats
Bethlehem Farm’s cozy log home is the perfect location for your group’s next retreat! We are happy to provide housing, food, gathering spaces, and programming to suit your group’s needs.
When? We are able to host retreats in the fall or winter.
Who is it for? We can host up to 30 retreatants from your church, school, volunteer program, community organization, or other group.
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What To Expect From a Service Retreat
When you join us for a service retreat week you can expect to:
- serve alongside other volunteers your age
- have fun with people you just met
- dig deeper into your spirituality and the meaning of life
- experience a countercultural Catholic community
- wake up early, work hard, and go to bed with that “good-tired” feeling every night
- serve with our neighbors through home repair & other tasks
- be challenged and supported physically, emotionally, & spiritually
- enter a safe space with freedom to speak and in which others will listen
- take a vacation from technology for the week
- join a Catholic community and pray in traditional and creative ways
- meet nature face to face
- learn sustainable practices; live into solutions to climate change
- spend time in the organic gardens
- become friends with donkeys, cats, and chickens
- prepare meals from scratch
- challenge any Appalachian stereotypes you may have
- see God, your friends, and the world in which you live from an entirely new perspective
More Specifically…
All of the volunteers, leaders included, are divided into different work crews for the week.
Crews visit a different work site each day, making a meaningful contribution to the community. Work sites range from serving at the Wellspring Center, to supporting farmers within the local food system, to working alongside a family in repairing their home. (No prior experience necessary! Caretakers teach you everything you need to be safe and productive.)
Most crews will spend one day at the Farm on Home Crew doing meal preparation, housekeeping, and other aspects in the ministry of hospitality. Some crews may also spend a day on Farm Crew, working in the garden or around the farm.
Each group will have a chance to plan evening prayer with the help of a Caretaker.
The Week’s Schedule
Here’s what a typical week looks like:
Arrival (between 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm), Tour of the Farm, Intro to Bethlehem Farm, Cornerstone Prayer Service, Group Leader Meeting, Free time, & Lights out.
Monday (Day at the Farm):
Wake Up, Morning Prayer, Tool & Safety Training, Breakfast, Farm Chores, Mass, Lunch, History & Mission of Bethlehem Farm, Farm Hike, Catholic Social Teaching Discussion, Free Time, Dinner, Free Time, & Lights out.
Tuesday – Friday:
Wake Up, Prayer, Chores, Breakfast, Dishes, Head off to worksites (except Home/Farm Crews), Lunch on site, Return to the Farm, Dinner, Dishes, Evening Prayer, Free Time, & Lights out.
Special evening programs:
Community Night – we invite local community members up to the farm for a potluck dinner & occasionally they’ll bring a musical instrument or two
A local speaker comes to share their life & unique experiences of the Greenbrier Valley region of Appalachia
Friday (June, July, August):
Swimming in the Greenbrier River
Wake Up, Prayer, Breakfast, Dishes, House Clean-Up, Head home (around 10 am)
Here’s What People Love Most About Bethlehem Farm
“I feel like I’ve connected with God as the tiny whispering voice in my life. I haven’t heard Him in a long time.”
–College Volunteer
“[Serving] allowed me to see both how big the world is and how similar we all are as humans.”
–High School Volunteer
“The work of the week breathed life into my faith after a few years of struggle… Thank you again for humbling me and reminding me of what is most important.”
–High School Volunteer
“One of the things I enjoyed the most was getting to meet and talk to the people I’m serving. Usually with the service opportunities I do, things are moving too quickly to get to know someone.”
–High School Volunteer
“The witness of the community was impactful for our students. To see young people on fire with their faith, who pray, and who seek Christ prompted our students to take faith more seriously. That will bear the most fruit, I think.”
–High School Chaperone
A Volunteer’s-eye view of a Service-Retreat Week:
Volunteers Reflect on the Cornerstones:
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The [Metaphorical] Nuts & Bolts
Once you arrive at Bethlehem Farm, everything is covered. That includes:
- All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner daily)
- Lodging during your group week
- Worksite training
- Project materials
- Retreat programming
- Multiple staff members to oversee each activity
- Memories that last a lifetime!
All you have to do is gather your group and get to us!
Here’s all the information you need to make your trip a resounding success – all in one place. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to Steve: [email protected] or 304-445-7143.
Click the links to jump to each section.
How to Register
Calculating Your Total Cost
What to Bring
Group Leader Checklist (including required forms)
How to Register
- Check out our Group Week Calendar here to see available dates.
- View the most up-to-date policies and procedures on our website
- Send an email to [email protected] or mail in a form to request the dates that work for you. Include the following information:
- Name of School/Church/Institution (optional)
- Contact Person
- Address
- Phone Number
- 1st choice: the week from ___________ to ___________
- 2nd choice: the week from ___________ to ___________
- 3rd choice: the week from ___________ to ___________
- Requested number of participants (including chaperones): _____ X $50/person = _________ (total deposit)
- Indicate your payment method & when Bethlehem Farm should expect to receive it
- Statement indicating that you’ve read and agreed to the Registration Policy
- Pay your deposit online (credit card processing fee applies) or mail a check to:
Bethlehem Farm
PO BOX 415
Talcott, WV 24981 - Total cost for the service-retreat week is $400/person. Your balance will be $350/person after submitting your deposit.
Fundraising Cheat Sheet
Date of Trip: ___________ to ___________
Participation Fee: $400/person
$400 x ___ participants = $_____
Minus: $50 deposit x ___ participants = $_____ (submitted: _____)
Balance remaining: $_____ (due on ________)
(find your due date in the Checklist for Group Leaders section)
Transportation: Car or Van
Rental: $___.__/day x __ days = $___.__
Gas*: ___ miles r/t** ÷ ___ mpg x $__.__/gal = $___.__
Total: Rental $____.__ + Gas $___.__ = $____.__
*visit fueleconomy.gov/trip/ to estimate the cost of gas.
**add 150 miles for driving to and from worksites.
Airfare: (if applicable)
$____/ticket (incl tax, fees) x ___ participants = $_____
Snacks & Meals En Route:
$____ x ___ participants = $_____
What to Bring
Check the weather forecast for Alderson, WV. The Farm House can be cool (55° – 65°) from October-early June, so a sweater or sweatshirt is suggested.
- Sleeping bag OR sheets and blankets
- Water bottle
- *Work shirts (long-sleeve or short-sleeve shirts; no tank tops or cut-offs on site)
- *Sturdy work pants, jeans or khakis (required for work sites: no shorts or sweatpants on worksites)
- *Sturdy work shoes: Sneakers or work boots
- **Leisure/Comfortable clothes (shorts, sweatpants ok, but no revealing clothing)
- Warm sweater or jacket (even in the summer mornings and evenings are chilly)
- Rain gear
- Modest swimsuit, water shoes, goggles, etc (during the summer months, we will take a dip in the Greenbrier River on Friday)
- Slippers or indoor shoes (shoes worn outside are taken off at the door)
- Toiletries
- Modest pajamas (sleeping areas can be cool, so pack accordingly)
- Flashlight
- Insurance card in case of emergency
* We have extra shoes, shirts, and work pants at the farm for your use. However, they may not fit perfectly.
** Clothes should fit the season of your week here. It can be very cold in the fall, winter, and spring. It can also be quite hot in the spring, summer, or fall.
- Pillow
- Digital camera (Highly recommended)
- Your favorite devotions and songs for prayer
- Musical instrument(s)
- Journal, bible, and/or a book
- Spending money (for dinner on the way here, Farm store, etc.)
- Snacks to share with all
- A bag for dirty laundry
- Frisbee, football, and games
- Ear plugs (for light sleepers)
- Covid-19 tests and masks
What NOT to bring:
- Bottled water or soda pop (our water is healthier for you and for our Earth)
- Watches, iPods, cell phones, or other personal electronic devices (simplicity)
- Makeup, hair gel, hair dryers or curling irons (these are some of the things we give up for the week)
- Weapons of any kind
- Drugs and/or alcohol
Checklist for Group Leaders
All group leaders are responsible for:
- Submitting full payment ($400 – $50 deposit = $350 per person)
- online payment available; a processing fee will be added to your total
- to avoid the processing fee: mail a check or schedule through your bank’s online bill pay
- payment due dates:
- Oct. 31st for Jan groups
- Jan 10th for March groups
- Jan 31st for April groups
- February 28th for May College Groups
- March 31st for June/July high school weeks
- May 31st for Adult and Family Weeks
- July 15th for Masters Adult Week
- August 15th for October college weeks
- Gathering forms from the group and sending them to us
- at least 30 days before your arrival
- Submitting a Volunteer Sign Up Sheet
- Reading & agreeing to Chaperone or Leader Expectations
- Completing the Group Leader Pre-Trip Insight Form
- Verifying compliance with Bethlehem Farm’s Covid-19 policy
- send forms within 7 days of arrival
Forms needed:
*Access the most up-to-date forms on our website: bethlehemfarm.net/service-week-volunteers/participation-forms
- Hold Harmless (everyone)
- Volunteer Contract (everyone)
- Health Insurance Form (note: separate forms for adults & minors)
- Verification of Covid-19 Test Results
Participants 18+ attending during High School Groups only:
- Adult Background Form
- Arrival is between 6:30 pm & 7:30 pm on Sunday
- Please eat dinner prior to arrival
- Departure is at 10:00 am Saturday
- Ask students/participants to read “Week at a Glance”
- Age limits:
- 16 years+ or heading into junior year for HS
- 18 years+ for college
- For High School groups only:
- No 10-15 passenger vans per National Safety Transportation Board recommendations
- 1 chaperone per 7 students.
- At least 1 female chaperone if there are girls; at least 1 male chaperone if there are boys.
We live in a place where cell phones do not usually get reception and GPS systems become confused. MapQuest or Google may get you here, or they may very well take you over some gravel mountain road into a random cow pasture!
If you print out and follow these directions, your journey up to Bethlehem Farm, while twisty and turny to say the least, will not be a stressful guessing game.
From the NORTH
Buffalo, NY; Pittsburg, PA; Morgantown, WV; Clarksburg, WV
From the SOUTH
Arkansas; North Carolina; Tennessee, Princeton, WV
From the EAST
DC; Massachusetts; Maryland; New Jersey; New York; Philadelphia, PA; Richmond, VA; & White Sulphur Springs, WV
From the WEST
Chicago Area; Kentucky, Indiana; Illinois; Nebraska; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Ohio; Wisconsin; Charleston, WV; & Beckley, WV
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Participation Policies
Group Sizes & Age Requirements
Spirit of Inclusion & Welcome
You can send in a registration request at any time. Use the calendar to choose dates. Priority is given to groups that send their deposits & registration forms by:
- August 15th (January–May college weeks)
- September 30th (April–July high school)
- February 1st (family, adult, masters, or October group weeks)
Your deposit of $50.00 per person (volunteers and chaperones) must be included with the reservation form to be included in priority registration and/or reserve space for your group.
After these dates, spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Group Sizes & Age Requirements
You may request to bring from 1 to 34 people on any given week. Please send a deposit for the number of volunteers you hope to bring. After priority registration, we will let you know how many people from your group we are able to host on the week(s) you requested.
Volunteers must be 16 years or older, or entering their junior year of high school (except on family week).
Notes for High School Groups:
- You are required to bring adequate chaperones. There must be one adult chaperone for every seven youth.
- We recommend that one of the chaperones be a youth/campus minister or someone involved in youth/campus ministry and at least 25 years of age.
- The other chaperones must be 21 years of age or older.
- If you are bringing a co-ed group of students, you must bring one female and one male chaperone.
- If you are bringing an all boys group, you must bring at least one male chaperone.
- If you are bringing an all girls group, you must bring at least one female chaperone.
- All participants 18 and over are required to complete an Adult Background Form.
- Bethlehem Farm, in compliance with Wheeling-Charleston Diocese regulations, does not permit the use of 12 or 15 passenger vans (E-350, E-250, 3500, or 2500 chassis or the like) to transport volunteers under the age of 18 while at Bethlehem Farm.
- It will be necessary to transport minors to the worksite during the group week.
- Groups that arrive with improper vehicles will be required to rent appropriate vehicles for use during the week from rental facilities.
Notes for Family Week:
- All participants 18 and over are required to complete an Adult Background Form.
- Bethlehem Farm, in compliance with Wheeling-Charleston Diocese regulations, does not permit the use of 12 or 15 passenger vans (E-350, E-250, 3500, or 2500 chassis or the like) to transport volunteers under the age of 18 while at Bethlehem Farm.
- It will be necessary to transport minors to the worksite during the group week.
- Groups that arrive with improper vehicles will be required to rent appropriate vehicles for use during the week from rental facilities.
Covid-19 Policy
Please note that we are no longer requiring a Covid-19 test but are recommending a pre-trip test with no test results required and strongly recommend if a participant is exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms they should not attend the group week. 10/1/2024
This policy is updated when appropriate.
Cancellation Policy
- If a group arrives with fewer volunteers than reserved, the amount will not be refunded unless:
- Bethlehem Farm was notified ahead of time
- and we were able to replace the spots.
- If an entire group must cancel, Bethlehem Farm must be notified sixty days prior to your week, or by April 1, whichever comes first.
- After that date, cancellations cannot be refunded unless Bethlehem Farm is able to replace the spots.
- If Bethlehem Farm can fill the spots, you will be refunded for every person we replace.
- After that date, cancellations cannot be refunded unless Bethlehem Farm is able to replace the spots.
- The deposit of $50 per person is non-refundable unless your group does not receive a spot.
Spirit of Inclusion & Welcome
Our community embraces a spirit of “Welcome Home” as an integral part of our Christian witness, specifically the gospel cornerstones of prayer, simplicity, community, and service.
Christ calls us to treat others as we desire to be treated.
We value the uniqueness of all persons as God’s creatures. We welcome all people, regardless of age, race, color, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, political affiliation, income, marital status, familial status, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or military status.
We value vulnerable or minority members of this community as we value all members of this community.
We condemn harassment of any kind, and our policies prohibit any such acts.
We intentionally create an environment of mutual respect, hospitality and warmth in which none are strangers and all may flourish.
We align with one of our partner schools, the University of Notre Dame, in their Spirit of Inclusion document (2020):
“One of the essential tests of social justice within any Christian community is its abiding spirit of inclusion.
Scriptural accounts of Jesus provide a constant witness of this inclusiveness. Jesus sought out and welcomed all people into the Kingdom of God — the gentile as well as the Jew, women as well as men, the poor as well as the wealthy, the slave as well as the free, the infirm as well as the healthy.
The social teachings of the Catholic Church promote a society founded on justice and love, in which all persons possess inherent dignity as children of God. The individual and collective experiences of Christians have also provided strong warrants for the inclusion of all persons of good will in their communal living.
Christians have found their life together enriched by the different qualities of their many members, and they have sought to increase this richness by welcoming others who bring additional gifts, talents and backgrounds to the community.”
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Tools for Recruitment
Sample Parent Letter
Fundraising Ideas
Videos to Share
Sample Parent Letter
Dear Parents,
We have the awesome responsibility to support our kids in developing a relationship with God. Our ministry does this in many ways. And right now, we’re gathering teens together for a new opportunity.
We’re heading to West Virginia for a service retreat!
While we’re there, we will:
- connect with the surrounding community through service,
- pray together,
- learn from the people of Appalachia,
- and experience ways of practicing and living a sustainable lifestyle.
One of the ways we’ll serve is by providing home repair for Bethlehem Farm’s low-income neighbors. But our work will involve much more than that.
We’ll be forming relationships and ensuring that God’s people are loved and appreciated. We’ll take a vacation from technology so we can incorporate more prayer into our days. And we’ll learn new ways to care for God’s creation.
The week goes from Sunday, ___________ through Saturday ___________. We can take ____ youth with us, and we need at least ____ chaperones. (Volunteers must be at least 16 years old, or entering their Junior year. Chaperones must be at least 21 years.)
The registration fee is $400 per person and includes:
- all meals
- Lodging for all nights of your stay
- Worksite training
- Project materials
- Retreat programming
- Multiple staff members to oversee each activity
- Memories that last a lifetime!
There are also some transportation costs (we estimate $_____/person). We’ll be sponsoring some fundraising opportunities so that everyone who wants to participate can do so.
If your teen is interested in joining us, please contact _______.
And if you have any questions, reach out to us or visit Bethlehem Farm’s website: https://bethlehemfarm.net/
Yours in Christ,
Fundraising Ideas
Presentation At Mass
Have volunteers inform the parish of their work at Bethlehem Farm and encourage the parishioners to donate funds.
Challenge each participant to raise a certain amount of money by soliciting sponsors.
Bake Sale/Yard Sale
Ask people to donate cakes, cookies, pies and/or things they no longer need and sell them.
Challenge others to sponsor you this event. $1-5 per hour during a time frame or $1-5 per mile on a specific course works well.
Host a Dinner
The group can prepare a meal (ie. Spaghetti), serve guests, and provide entertainment.
Work for A Day
Get people to bid on group members to do odd jobs (yard work, gardening, etc). They can do the job for a donation toward the trip.
Write Letters
Tell family and friends about Bethlehem Farm, asking them to help sponsor the trip.
In-Kind Donations
Check out the wish list and bring some new or gently-used items from the list.
BFarm Life: Videos to Share
A Volunteer’s-Eye View of a Service-Retreat Week (3:47- also linked above)
Volunteers’ Reflections on the Cornerstones (3:18 – also linked above)
Living the Cornerstones at Bethlehem Farm (6:07)
The Music of the Farm (2:50)
Family Week Reflection (4:56)
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Pre-Trip Spiritual Preparation
Notes for Group Leaders and Parents
High School Groups
- Meeting 1 – Orientation
- Drum Major Instinct
- The Two Feet of Justice
- Meeting 3 – Foundation
- I Remember Michael- from America Magazine
- He Daily Served a Disguised God
- Major Themes in Catholic Social Teaching
- Meeting 4 – Faith
College Groups
- Meeting 1 – Orientation
- Bethlehem Farm Mission and Vision
- Introduction to Bethlehem Farm
- Broken Heart Experience by Dean Brackley
- Meeting 2 – Service and Justice
- Day Without Dignity (video)
- Tornado Warning (activity)
- Meeting 3 – Foundation
- I Remember Michael
- He Daily Served a Disguised God
- Major Themes in Catholic Social Teaching
- Meeting 4 – Faith
Post-Trip Spiritual De-Briefing
High School
- Meeting 1 – Re-Enculturation
- Meeting 2 – Prayer
- Meeting 3 – Community
- Meeting 4 – Simplicity
- Meeting 1 – Re-Enculturation
- Meeting 2 – Prayer
- Meeting 3 – Community
- Meeting 4 – Simplicity
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Contact our Volunteer Coordinator:
304-445-7143 | [email protected]
Our mailing address is:
Bethlehem Farm | PO Box 415 | Talcott, WV | 24981
Find us on social media:
Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram